Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hi blog!

Lamanya tidak menulis. Semalam, tetiba rindu. Rindu express perasaan.
Well, my last post was somewhere in May and I have to read many times to recall what was bringing me to write the issue. see! who said aku ni pendendam tahap dewa.. I cant remember what's the issue. lol!

In 5 months I was only write simple notes in my small book. Easy for me to bring anywhere and write whenever I'd like to. Surprisingly, when I look back to the book, all I can see are numbers. Si anu belum bayar, si itu sudah bayar.. hihi yeah I wanna admit that I am now an online seller. I sell 100% Pandora which I was gila-gila bayang awal tahun tu. Haiahh kalau ingat, that was so funny yang ingin sangat pakai Pandora sampai nangis2. Nasiblah my DH yang paling sporting and supportive dalam dunia spend a a first set. Lepas tu tambah lagi.. dan lagi.. dan lagi.. and now bila sudah jual muak pulak aku tengok charms tu.. hahha..

Anyway, sapa-sapa yang berminat, please visit my Instagram account @ Floradora_Collections. Dijamin 100% original. Not 1:1, not inspired, not 99.999% similar.. its authentic!

This is one of my favourite bracelet called ME&LOVE. Its all about the things I love in my simple life.
Till then, take care!