Thursday, April 25, 2013

ELTDP Mini Symposium

English Language Teaching Development Programme.

The symposium was held in Keningau and luckily I was selected to be one of the participant in the event.
Proud? of course I did because among all the 10, me and Thuaibah had been selected by the mentor as well as the LO even though we were just given a very limited space and slot to share all our works and activities.

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to attend the prestige symposium where everyone is sharing their excellent works for others to apply in their schools. All the participants had done very excellent jobs for over two years with their mentors and I can see that every teacher has great ideas to carry out interesting lessons in the classroom. Everyone is working so hard to increase  the English result in the school and I am so thankful to be in this programme. I am so proud to be one of the participant in this symposium and it was like my dream came true when I had a chance to share with others all about the works I had done for over two years and among of all, I had challenged myself to be more brave and confident to speak in front of many people, to answer their questions and give them clear explanations about our works and activities in Papar. I believed this is the first step towards making my dreams to be the speaker for any English course one day will come true - insya'Allah.. ;))

I don't know if the word blessed and thankful can adequately put my feelings and emotions about the event. Perhaps I can say it overwhelming. Because everything inside my heart is overwhelming.. the satisfaction and the joy are more likely non-stop in my heart. It makes me eager to talk to all my fellow ELTDP so we can start to think something wonderful to carry out in this very final year of the programme. To tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to organize such a wonderful mini symposium for Papar districts. It sounds ridiculous but we never know until we try, isn't it?

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". - Lao-tzu

So I think I should start my step from now!

it is true indeed... now I believe I can fly!